My Stitching Studio and Moi Meme

My Stitching Studio
My Stitching Studio

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While doing my Honors Research for the National Academy of Needlearts I pondered what my stitched presentation piece would be. My research topic was paintings or other artworks which depict people engaged in the needlearts. Obviously my stitched piece had to also depict a stitcher.

Most artists eventually do a self portrait. Shouldn’t I, also? Thus was born The Stitching Studio, the name I have used for over 20 years as my business designation.

This Stitching Studio depicts my own studio, which (in addition to the computer center and the work/teaching table that are not shown in the rendition) contains shelves and shelves of well beloved books and other objects which are meaningful to me.

Moi Meme

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I am an avid collector of Pueblo pottery and part of my collection is reproduced on the shelf at the top of the bookcases. My other passion, besides needlework is traveling and the shelves contain allusions to some notable trips: matrioshka from Russia, an Eiffel tower, a fan from Spain. Photos of my children hold a place of honor; another picture shows my husband at Machu Picchu and there is a also a baby picture of my grandson.

One stack of books shows the languages I speak; another row names places we have visited. Others name favored embroidery techniques: canvas, crewel, silk. Another shelf holds art books: Monet, Renoir, Degas, Cassatt, Rodin. Elsewhere you may discover magazine folios which say Pieceworks, ANG, EGA, and NAN.

One of my topiaries graces the wall. Out the window is not what I usually view, but what I fantasize to overlook. And in that scene is a tiny plane, indicating my constant desire to travel.

Perspective was a major challenge in the composition, especially for the rug and the tiny turquoise cabinet at the right.

A much younger, much more svelte, and greatly overdressed Gail Sirna sits in the studio, happily absorbed in her needlework;, but always with one eye on that plane to take her to far away destinations.