Thousand Islands Thousand Colors

Thousand Islands Thousand Colors

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When autumn arrives in the St. Lawrence Valley the world is emblazoned by Mother Nature’s paint box, and it is a glorious scene indeed. Only here in the northeastern part of North America do the fall colors dazzle the eye in such a manner.

The Thousand Islands are a group of small islands in the St. Lawrence River; some are covered in northern hardwoods with some conifers thrown in for contrast.

This class will address choices that needleartists make when selecting stitches and colors for their designs. We want to make the foreground elements come forward and the those in the background recede and this is achieved with stitch choice and color selection. Thousand Islands gives the stitcher the opportunity to explore the appropriate stitches and hues to achieve a naturalistic effect with her work. All of this will be addressed in class while stitching colorful design that employs these principles.

  • Time: 2 days
  • Proficiency Level: Low Intermediate and Up
  • Kit cost: $88
  • Ground Fabric: Congress Cloth