Angel with Lute

Angel with Lute

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Angel with Lute depicts a lovely angel clad in feminine lacy pulled thread and other whitework embellishments. The major elements of the figure are worked in pulled thread stitches ranging from the intermediate to two advanced composite stitches.

Students will advance their command of pulled thread stitches and techniques, and create an attractive piece for their homes.

Kit Includes: DMC Floss, DMC perle cotton # 8, Kreinik Braid size 8.

Student Should Bring: 12″ x 14″ stretcher bars, stapler or thumb tacks for attaching canvas to bars, laying tool, light and/or magnification if needed, and frame weight or table clamp so both hands are free for working.

  • Time: 2 days
  • Proficiency Level: Intermediate Pulled Thread
  • Kit cost: $30
  • Ground Fabric: White Congress Cloth
  • Size of Piece: 8